
Rainforest Alliance Policy



OMEGA SA makes sure that the raw materials it supplies come from producers who respect the rules of ethics regarding the crops and the human resources that work on them as well as in the entire supply chain. It takes into account risks that may arise in all links of the agricultural supply chain, human rights, gender equality, sustainable development and aims to reduce poverty, insecurity and discrimination. Regarding the cultivation and production of cocoa in the context of the implementation of the requirements of the Rainforest Alliance-Supply Chain. has drawn up and follows this RAINFOREST ALLIANCE BUSINESS ETHICS POLICY. The policy must be followed and adopted by all partners involved in the production of products conforming to RA requirements. To achieve this policy, OMEGA A.B.E.E Management is committed to providing the required resources to implement, maintain and continuously improve the Rainforest Alliance cocoa supply chain system.


In this context, the company is committed to the following:


  1. In compliance with the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct and the UN Guidelines for Business and Human Rights.
  2. In the continuous investigation of potential risks/threats and opportunities, which may have a direct impact on business ethics issues.
  3. To eliminate racial discrimination, regardless of race, language, gender or sexual preferences, religious and political choices, inside and outside the company, promoting the role of women through their participation in decision-making and ensuring equal development opportunities. The company also demonstrates awareness of the additional qualities of employees (parents, pregnant women, people with special needs, etc.).
  4. To respect human rights, creating appropriate procedures for their protection, inside and outside the company, based on international regulations and national and European legislation.
  5. In the defense of the rights of employees inside and outside the organization, observing the relevant legislation on salary issues, time and leave issues, as well as maternity issues. The company does not hire minors for work. It recognizes that work should be a free choice and there should be no forced, bonded or involuntary labour. Employees are free to leave the company after (reasonable) notice. They also have the right to join or form labor unions and to bargain collectively. Workers’ representatives are not discriminated against and have the possibility of unhindered performance of representative duties in the workplace. In general, any form of abuse or blackmail (physical, verbal, sexual, psychological, etc.) that affects the dignity of every employee is condemned.
  6. In the continuous improvement of working conditions, promoting the prevention of occupational risks, compliance with hygiene and safety rules during the execution of work, complying with legal requirements, including food safety issues. The company, in compliance with Community and national legal requirements, has a contract with legally competent scientists for the protection of health and safety.
  7. The wages and benefits paid to the employees cover, at a minimum, the legal minimum wage. In any case, the salary should always cover basic needs and provide some disposable income. Any form of salary withholding without the express consent of the employee is prohibited. Working hours comply with national legislation and collective agreements
  8. In the seamless implementation of the complaints/complaints process, inside and outside the company, in order to identify any weaknesses and implement corrective actions.
  9. In the protection of the environment, with respect to the local ecosystem, the proper management of waste, as defined by the environmental licensing of the company and the good practices for managing and reducing it.
  10. To avoid incidents of corruption/bribery, to comply with tax legislation and to avoid incidents of unfair competition in commercial transactions.


The managers of all departments of the company have been trained and have the obligation to supervise and strictly implement the policy.

At the same time, in this context, OMEGA asks its suppliers for other business relationships:

  • Respect for human rights without discrimination
  • Compliance with legislation and rules that define the rights and obligations of employers and employees without discrimination.
  • Compliance with applicable legislation and relevant standards in relation to environmental protection, deforestation, biodiversity, waste and wastewater management


Its objective is to achieve, maintain and improve its image and credibility in the market by supplying safe products, stable and of high quality, complying with the requirements of the Rainforest Alliance. This Policy applies to all levels of the company’s organization, is communicated to the interested parties and is reviewed for its appropriateness.


Procedure for reporting incidents that conflict with the BUSINESS ETHICS POLICY

In case of finding an incident that contradicts our company’s business ethics policy or relevant indications, you can submit a relevant report (named or anonymous) in the following ways:

1) By phone on 27210 69347 asking for a representative of the business ethics committee

2) By email in the address compaints@omega.com.gr or by clicking here

3) By post, to the address: OMEGA ABEE, 7th km E.O. Kalamatas – Messinis, 24100, Kalamata, (attention: business ethics committee).

The Managing Director